Here we go again. Another surge of inspiration to get my writing going. 2 years after my last post. Have you ever made a goal for but unknowingly sabotaged yourself?

Every few months I go through the “I am going to focus on me” phase. You know that point when life gets to be too much and you realize your happiness needs to be a priority. You start a new workout routine, eating healthier, buy a new book, go for walks and ultimately find your inner peace.

This has been my cycle for the last couple of years until recently. With COVID – every single day has been the same. Sure weekends are a little different because the family is home with me but pretty much every. single. day. is the exact same. Recently there were some changes professionally for me and I did not handle it well. Those close to me know HOW not well…but I essentially snapped. Here I was doing the best I could and then it felt like the rug had been pulled out from underneath me. Although this story isn’t about THAT moment….it was that moment that sent me into a spiral that ultimately lead me back here.

We all have goals, wants and desires. It is so easy to find reasons not to do those things. Lack of money. Lack of Time. Lack of inspiration. Throughout the pandemic social media was filled with people bettering themselves and there I sat in the same pants and hoodie I had worn for days just feeling sorry for myself. I didn’t have time to focus on my voice over business anymore. I didn’t have anything to write about for the website. Essentially silencing my inner voice that was calling me to do more.

So today I will no longer silence that voice. Sure, my blog posts may need some work and more focus but this is where I start. Choosing to be happy. To follow that voice…to be the best version of me. It won’t happen overnight but what is the quote…something like “it’s about the journey…not the destination”….something like that. Wish me luck!